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EIA Consultant Cambodia

Environmental Impact Assessments

EIA in Cambodia (Environmental impact assessments) 

EIA in Cambodia, the primary legal requirements for environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in Cambodia are set out in Content II, Book V of the Environment and Natural Resource Code, Chapter III of the Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 19962(EPNRM Law), and the Sub-Decree no. 72 on Environmental Impact Assessment (1999) (EIA Sub-Decree).

Under the current framework of EPNRM Law 1996, all investment project applications and all projects proposed by the state must have an Initial Environmental Impact Assessment (IEIA), report of pre-feasibility study, or an environmental impact assessment as specified in the EPNRM Law (Articles 6 and 7). A copy must be submitted to the Project Approval Ministry/Institution and the Ministry of Environment (MoE).

Sub-decree no 72 on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (1999) requires that an EIA be conducted for all public or private projects involving activities that are listed in an attached annex. This includes projects for agro-industry, wood and paper production, mining, chemical plants, textiles, power plants, tourism, and infrastructure, amongst others. However, the sub-decree includes an exemption for “special and crucial projects approved by the Royal Government” (Article 2 & Annex)


The Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014–20238 identified the updating of environmental law and the EIA law as priority areas to mainstream climate change into the regulatory framework of Cambodia. This law requires the integration of climate change into Environmental Impact Assessment processes in all projects. The incorporation of climate change considerations into the EIA framework is considered a strategic priority (5.3. Strategic Objectives and Strategies).

The Sub-Decree No. 72 on Environmental Impact Assessment places full responsibility with the MOE for monitoring projects. Monitoring should take place during the period of construction, operation, and closure of a project. The Department of Monitoring and Environmental Impact Assessment is responsible for reviewing EIA reports and conducting this monitoring role. The institution responsible for approving a project must do so only after consideration of the MoE’s findings and recommendations.

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